Zinc Ordering API

Order anything from Amazon with one line of code

Zinc API — bash — 80x10

Send a gift to the White House (or to yourself!)

Pick your product

You can also enter any other ASIN directly in the form below.

Wolf Shirt (Small)

$ 8.93

ASIN: B002HJ377A

Premium Suede Hand Whip

$ 13.51


Hair Loss Treatment

$ 19.52


Do you use Managed Accounts?

Yes, I use Managed Accounts

No, I have my own Amazon account & payment method

Filling in the form below will place a live order on Amazon.

For full docs, see here.

curl https://api.zinc.io/v0/order -d '


"client_token": "",

"retailer": "amazon",

"products": [{"product_id": "", "quantity": }],

"shipping_address": {

"first_name": "",

"last_name": "",

"address_line1": "",

"address_line2": "",

"zip_code": "",

"city": "",

"state": "",

"country": ""

"phone_number": ""


"max_price": "",

"is_gift": true,

"shipping_method": "cheapest"


For full docs, visit this page, or contact us at hello@zinc.io.